
" O N L Y T H E S K Y D I V E R S


B I R D S S I N G . . . "

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Men and women are entirely different. As what they often say, men are from Mars and women are from Venus. No matter how they try to compliment each other, they could never be in the same ground simply because they are born completely unalike.

Building a relationship with someone who is so different from you seems to be a very tough one. I already anticipated those thoughts even beforehand. I knew it would be very uneasy to deal with someone who seems to be your exact opposite. But never did I have any unspoken and unconscious agenda that I want to make the other person just like me. The thought "Everything would be okay if you're just like me, if you like what I like and if you do things the way I like them to be done.” was never an option for me just for things to be easier.

It may seem obvious but we have to say it anyway--No two people
are alike. No matter how similar you think you are when you get into a
relationship and how well matched, you are two fundamentally different people.
What we have discovered is when differences come up, instead of
making that person wrong, you have to embrace the differences between
the two of you and use them to create a better relationship. It may not be a smooth sailing task and even risky, but if you really love that person, you will learn to embrace your differences, or otherwise, use it as a reason to conclude that you were never meant to be in the first place.

I was never an open minded partner before. I used to talk and talk and listens less. But lately I’ve beginning to realize that when you are closed to the ways of other people and only focus on how you’ve always done things, there’s no growth. I learned to listen without judging. You taught me to take turns in talking and not interrupt each other. I have learned to realized that both of us are two different persons making up one relationship and eventually differences will occur. But it really depends on how we can manage differences and prevent two much unnecessary conflicts. At times you will have to give up your right so that the relationship can grow; Even the healthiest relationships at times experience conflict because of individual differences in perspective and opinions. No matter what the difference in your relationship that is causing some form of conflict, it is always up to the both of you to endure the process of adjustment. The differences that exist between us are complementary. The important thing is to know the basis of our relationship.

“There are two kinds of relationships; they are either built on stone, or on sand. When a relationship is built on stone the foundation often stands, since love, trust, honesty, communication and other elements that compose a healthy relationship continues throughout the terms of the commitment. On the other hand, the relationships built on sand lack the elements required to make love grow and relationships to prosper.”

The truth is that we all build a relationship for it and also for us, to grow individually. And if we are with someone who is very different from us, we have the choice as to how we react to those differences. We can either go to a place where fright, uprightness and judgment builds it, or a place of growth understanding and LOVE...